Car Designer, Photographer, Artist


Aviation and in particular military aviation is a constant source of inspiration. The speed, power, and beauty is breathtaking. This collection of images will inspire you.

View Military Aviation Project →


These flying machines are more than the sum of their parts. They have a soul. Their scars suggest a life of action and survival. If only they could speak.

View Hangar Time Project →


Flying in formation requires the highest level of skill and bravery. Strength in numbers intimidates and motivates. The perfect balance of human and technical perfection.

View Trust and Teamwork Project →


There is a wave of silence in the crowd when the sound and the sight of these experienced warbirds approaches. It is a strong sense of respect and pride. In their day they were state of the art, ahead of their time. Now we look at these flying machines with romantic nostalgia and an admiration for their unique beauty.

View Enjoying Retirement Project →


In contrast to aviation, I spend as much time as possible in nature. Timeless unchanged views provide true escapism and allow ideas to grow. Although static, landscape photography is truly dynamic, as light and shadow change by the second.

View Skye Project →